Project proposal II
I propose an alternative project to celebrate the life giving energy from the sun. The ancient Egyptians worshiped the Sun God Ra as the giver of all life. The God of the ancient Aryans who settled in Iran, India, and Europe worshiped the God
Dyeus, God of the
Daylit Sky. Elements of these beliefs were later Incorporated in the beliefs of the Zoroastrians. The Japanese believe that the Imperial Family is descended from the Sun Goddess. The very atoms that we are made of were created in the hearts of suns that have since exploded. For this Project I propose to use the pyramid shape as the exterior shape enclosing the project. Inside I would construct a mobile of mirrors that are moved by wind power. My other ideas seen to have difficulties with the question of site. In my
consideration of the requirements of this project I decided to start with site and to craft the project with site as the starting point. The site for this project can be anywhere that there is sunlight, wind. and viewers.